Food In Survival

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Food In Survival
Food is one important factor in survival techniques, how do we get it dialam and which one is safe for consumption requires knowledge of its own, therefore an outdoor enthusiasts should at least know a little bit of science and zoology BIOLOGY PRACTICAL ... this will be very helpful when the condition particular, support for the protection of one's body from the food that the body is required to add calories, provide power to the muscles, and replace damaged cells. Source - the source of food:
A. Food From Animals: 
   foods can be eaten survival include:
    1. Animal soft (wood worm, worms, slugs, snails etc.)
    2. Insect
    3. Reptile
    4. Birds (Partridge)
    5. Vertebrate

B. Foods from plants 
     Plants provide carbohydrates and fiber, especially improving digestion. General characteristics of edible        plants:
        • The young plants (shoots / shoot)
        Plants that do not contain latex
        Plants that are not hairy
        Plants that do not smell less pleasant
        Plants are eaten by mammals such as: monkey

    The necessary steps will eat plants if: 
  1. Eat plants which are well known
  2. Do not Eat just one kind of plant it
  3. Do not eat the plants whose fruits are purple because it feared to contain toxic alkaloids
  4. How to eat fruits that are not yet known to us is to put some into the waiting hands of reaction, if there   are no strange taste (hot, bitter) is quite safe then to the lips, tongue with the same procedure after    which the meal wait 30 minutes if not no reaction means safe
  5. We recommend that you cook in advance which parts of the plant will be eaten
  6. Better not eat mushrooms because most species of fungi are poisonous.  
  Examples of edible plants:  
    a. bulb land: taro, potato, Besusu, soil nails
    b. the bars: young umbut banana, sagu, honey grass, bamboo shoots 

    c. fruit: coconut, strawberry, strawberry forests, palm etc.

    d. grain: rice, corn, nut-grass madura
    e. Interest: turi, banana
    f. leaf: Rasamala, melinjo, stems and leaf begonia, water lettuce (arnong)

    g. buds / shoots: fir


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